The robots and the cloud
The cloud is a massive infrastructure that connects billions of devices. It is considered to have virtually unlimited computational resources, as it can store petabytes of data and has the processing power of millions of servers. The cloud is what runs so many of the online services that characterize life in the early 21st century: search, email, ecommerce, social networking, banking, video streaming, ride-sharing – you name it. Indeed, it has changed the way we live and is the engine that runs the Information Age. What will happen when robots connect to the cloud? Will the cloud be the transformative technology that allows robots to leap beyond their current limitations? In this talk, award winning robotics scientist Vittorio Amos Ziparo walks you through some of the robotic systems his teams have built over the years, showing how the cloud enables new exciting capabilities that might pave the way to a new era for robotics.

Scienziato specializzato in intelligenza artificiale e robotica, con20 anni di esperienza nel coordinare team che realizzano sistemi robotici intelligenti, Vittorio A. Ziparo ha progettato e sviluppato diversi robot autonomi, grazie ai quali si aggiudicato importanti premi, e ha collaborato alla peer review di varie pubblicazioni scientifiche. Attualmente vive a Pasadena (California), dove è a capo del software team per iRobot Terra, un robot tosaerba intelligente, per il mercato dei consumatori. E’, infine, co-fondatore di Algorithmica Srl, laboratorio di ricerca robotica di Roma.

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